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What is GI?
When you eat a carbohydrate, it breaks down into sugars that enter your blood stream. If your blood sugar levels rise too high or too quickly, your body releases insulin to manage the excess blood sugars by storing them as fat. The Glycemic Index shows how quickly and how high blood sugars raise when you eat a carbohydrate.
Foods that raise blood sugars quickly or to high levels are high glycemic. Foods that cause a slower, more steady blood sugar levels are low glycemic. You can lower the effective glycemic index of a meal even further by combining certain foods. Knowing the glycemic index of foods helps you choose foods that will not turn to fat. Remember, high glycemic foods causes your body to store fat. By eating low glycemic foods, you can prevent your body from storing fat.
By eating the 40-30-30 balanced meals on the Zone Diet, the effective glycemic index of each and every meal is lowered, to make losing fat even easier. You can read more about GI at