
| Top Ten | Heart Rate | Dear Diary... | Racing |
Top Ten Zone Exercise Tips
- Have a 1-2 block snack and 8 oz of water 45 minutes before your workout - this will "reset" your body and get you ready for fat burning
- Stay hydrated while working out - this is especially important while in the Zone, as you will retain less water
- Keep tabs on your resting heart rate by checking it each morning when you wake up - a sudden increase that lasts more than two days could mean that you are overtraining
- Start slowly and spend at least 10 minutes warming up to get the blood to flow into your working muscles - in harder workouts they will use up to 80% of your blood supply
- Spend at least 10 minutes cooling down to improve circulation and move the blood away from your working muscles and back to the rest of your body
- Never do a hard/intense workout on two consecutive days
- Try to space out your workout schedule - working out Monday, Wednesday and Friday and taking the weekend off is better for your body than trying to fit all your exercise for the week into Saturday and Sunday
- Training = Work + Rest. Don't be afraid to take a day or two off, especially if you have just started a new fitness program - your body will need the rest to recover from the physical stress you put on it
- Breathe!
- Even if it's not a structured workout, make exercise a part of your life - take the stairs whenever you can, walk to the store instead of driving, etc.

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